

Have you ever talked to someone who complains about a negative response to the question "how are you?" If you don't answer with a positive, some askers of the common question will take note and judge you. They are people who have no regard for the arbitrary nature of mood. Keep saying "not too well" or even a simple hand gesture of so-so, dear compatriot. Confront those inquisitive souls with your unarticulated slump; they deserve it.


Alex Kitchens said...

my dear, DEAR friend marvin gaye,
its an irrelevant question, "what's going on." no one CAN know. but that's not sufficient, so: the closest we can come to "what's going on" is by untangling from the knot of our perception "what's NOT going on," to distinguish the two kinds of goings-on. but that leaves us far from "what's going on"...IF "what's going on" exists. so...some dudes know "what's NOT going on," and they are good at learning, so some of them probably write too, i'm sure. right? anyway, fuck philosophy, fuckin' merry go round...by the way i'm catholic now. my faith, my life, my world.
okay i just tried to find a catholic quote for you. thirty minutes, one wiki article and one impulsive ebay bid on a crucifix later i return to the post empty handed...mmmmm...i lead a questionable existence!!!
wish you were here,
♥mother teresa
guess who wrote that!k

Thomas Cunningham Anawalt said...

Olver Wendell Holmes abandoned philosophy because he did not care whether or not he was inside the cosmos or the cosmos were inside him. Catholicism and me have quite a history I have to say. I once took Catholic communion in outrage. I was so upset that they would have me abstain for not believing it to be the literal body, blood. I think its un-Christian to hold back any person from communion, regardless of their beliefs. I need to relax my frustrations with Catholic lore and ceremony because they're Christian, but I tell you I was very mad at the thought of them (the Papists) not wishing me to partake.

Alex Kitchens said...

dana said it
I dunno, the way it happened to me was I had questions about God but when he was presented to me in church which we went to as a result of my questioning I thought it to be ridiculous. The unknown was so real to me that to see it exploited in such a way made me an even more staunch believer in both its power and sanctity. It is as if my being religiously minded kept me away from the church, and that my being kept away from the church kept me religiously minded, in my own way. Besides, if you're a follower of Catholicism how are we gonna start that cult together someday?

Thomas Cunningham Anawalt said...

That made me laugh. I remember the cult. One of the conditions though is that you have to start it without intending to.