
New words Old words

Twiller -- Now why have I derived some pleasure from typing that. No reason that it should not be a word. This world of ours is complicated enough so that we can infuse new meaning into whatever we choose. Is the tower of Babel a phallus, much like that which has been erected by modernist thinkers, some language of symbols recognizable to everyone? Modernism, though, is about looking back and painting what you see. The Pen(is), nothing new.
Vandenberg writes that on the board a lot, but when I was a sophomore I wrote that several times into my notebook sans parenthesis: pen is pen is pen is pen is pen. I felt like I had cracked a code. By now, the representational meaning of anything should be under question. Never before turning back again, once or twice. The pen and the penis share for the artist or critic, man or woman--as far as what either actually means.
After all, meaning is found in dictionaries. Agents of Diction. Dick-shunaries. Get thee to a Dick-shunary.

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