
You Are Not My Dream, Lady

I was dreaming on my second return to sleep
I thought I dreamed of you
I wasn't scared or anything like that
In fact when I see you and think of you
My heart palpitates as it never did in this dream
Others were there
And without you
I would have been alone
But you were there

I never could embrace you in my dream,
And I long for it

Your hips weren't quite as marvelous, dreamt
I'd surely have swept the floor
In a boundless illusory realm peopled with your real hips

You know I once caught the sight of hair on your legs
How could dreaming even dare

I dreamed you
And it was worthless

I had to wake up (for good)
And considered myself lucky
Lucky and lonesome
You, on Earth somewhere
Dream enough to drown the discovery of flight
Or the rare sexual encounter with a star

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