
Funky Guns

Whipping days once again
Can't even perform
For their own good,
the good of the country.


The Magnificent Sags

She's got big bright eyes
Just enough wonder and four reasons to love
Weather-pulse forted farce busted

Simple pool dip ice and down

And then you came and destroyed all that.


More than Reason

Read instructions before proceeding...with anything.

I just read a very difficult to read chapter on Othello and Shylock, comparing them as politico-theological enemy figures. Supposedly it prepared me to write a paper on Othello, but turns out the list of texts I can use does not include the incredibly dense essay I just stumbled through.

Anyway, I understand the body politic in a different way now. And I see that politics are just former theologies, secularized through the course of history up to now, when Church and State shall be thought separate by many. Similarly, secular education derives from the establishment of religious institutions of learning. Education and the State are separate as well, no matter what money tells you. Education is only ever one with the people, and how much they buy into learning.


Poor Bedlamb

Now is a Winter and then contemptuously hot.
Our New York has made a Glorious Summer
And its gale blows in from the South.
What is there to do about it
I will become something else or else
I will be forced to rise to the top
of a pile of corpes. Lighting them on
Fire before studying them - the great
Dead who truly have made themselves
Available to me. In writing and in celluloid
Visions of flesh and blood. And, of course,
In that Great Gift of Education!



Some made by nuclear power, some by bowls
Most often it comes through the bowels
-that last is the American grace,
For he who lives and dies by his colon
Was the finest American to Ride off Into Sunsets.

Right mobbish parties they were.

Hey, know any good racist jokes?

Stacked on top of one another
The safe passageway
The safety of it that somehow
Seems only to frighten

Check before the info
gets you down
because something without
a line might come at you

You're gonna have to
Judge that something has been seen
Read maybe. We don't know what
Kills they're most proud
First Amendment etc.
The kills made by the American


Lets not let the American whose family goes from KKK to NRA become ever again the kind of American whose iron squint rules the country.


Down Down Up Y

Dance without asking why you're here. Thinking wears my personality. Or rather my personality has worn this thinking so long that it has forgotten how the skin used to provide.

Urgently urgently on earth. Can you stop? Can you even pray without that asshole in the back row...
I am not silly. Not silly to pray....
However one time it was frivolous and game-like. Pals. Now I am wondering about...

Have the courage...

Down to the...

Is it coming fast?

Isn't there a movement? Is there movement? Both suggest that yes there is movement.

But if questions could confirm presence of

It's the violence of somebody's imagination that...


Enters interns. Fucks nation.

Clinton's penis, swung to stimulate the Republican domino warpath, yet may elevate the missus.


Below's grasping may only end up being a mere gesture, pointing to them, the shared somethings. The word grasp, in other words, has been used falsely insofar as no proof has been given that anything was grasped entirely.

I'm not high enough. Times like these you start to doubt and then tell the doubt to go away and come back. Times like these it starts to trouble. Whether Shakespeare is indeed holy, or simply a ghost. In other words, where does Dante visit with the Bard? Heaven or Hell or earth.

According to Freud, for the duration of a Shakespeare play, the observer is induced and required to adopt the beliefs of the time frame. May the enemies of the city of God (pagans) be combated by one who falls under the spell of "Shakespeare's time?" Augustine said that Plato, whom he labels (in english) a demi-god, confides, "love of God is love of the True Goodness," though Platonists are polytheists. I witnessed Burton's Hamlet as a Ghost. a shadow of the older stage. Fast forward., Cullum's Laetres and Gielgud's staging.grand rocket science of craftsmanship with limited creativity, a beautiful telling of Our modern philosophical era - the emotion was ratcheted up by interpretations of the old thunder of a great performer.

Once 'jected

Puff puff pity
Tis tis taint
All spent on the whore
You should have, too
Picked the girl
Most beautiful
Regardless of your own wickedness.

My words have been wicked
Then never have I been
But wickedness does lie
And I, wickedness, have done the sin.